Monday, October 10, 2005

The Cello, Part 2

I did leave my cello out while my parents were visiting. I even picked it up and played with it while they were here. So, what happened?

Nothing. No comment, no reaction, no response of any kind.


I did start cello lessons the day after they left, and am discovering how hard it is to learn to hold the bow correctly. I'm trying to remember that I'm doing this for fun, not to satisfy my teacher, and that I'm in charge, but it's a struggle. I get frustrated because I know I'm not doing it right, and because my teacher is very particular about the mechanics. About half the time, I want to quit the teacher and just play, but that's just the frustration.

The teacher is not being negative, just particular. He was actually happy with the progress I had made last week. I know that if I can learn good mechanics, it will make everything easier later, but right now, it's a struggle.

As a perfectionist, my tendency is to not do something at all if I can't do it well. Kind of limiting, I realize, and really pointless in this situation. I'm learning to play the cello because I want to; there is no need to be great at it, or even good. I can be bad at it, and still enjoy making music from it, if I let myself.

So what if I don't do it right? Doing it right is not the point. It just feels like it is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool blog you have. I have a cello bow hold
related site. Check it out if you get a chance. The URL is cello bow hold

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WritingMom, great blog on The Cello, Part 2. Even though the information contained in your blog is not exactly what I was looking for I have some information on chan which may help others.

7:59 PM  

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